Gumbo Grousing

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Civil Servant Fit Club

Since Houston infamously was named "The Fattest City on Earth" a couple years running not too long ago, a friend brought forward the interesting idea to compare which city had the fattest police, firemen, etc. I thought this was a great thing to ponder after seeing most local parks patrolled by officers in cars or gators. (Gators are souped up golf carts which somehow makes them less embarrassing to be seen driving.) Most teenagers could easily out run these Harry Callahan wannabees if they had to use their own power to get around. It's like a force of Ironsides, but it was a donut or kolache that put'em in the wheelchair.

Well, enough complaining about others when I can't lose the extra 10 clinging to my middle. Now let's focus on Houston, forget the rest of the country. Which group of civil servants is the most fit? I'm interested to see of the Harris County Constables are fitter than HPD or if the Fireman can out muscle the Metro Police. Does anyone out there have a source for this info? I'd really like to see it broken down in to male, female, avg height, and avg weight. Please if you have the info or a lead on where to find it drop me a line and I'll try to compile it.


  • Well, the Police Olympics will be held in South Padre Island in June, if you are interested. Maybe my fat ass will see you there.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:16 PM  

  • Thanks for the info, Officer. Please don't take my post as an attack on police or others. They are just like the rest of us and influenced by the same factors that cause everyone else to gain weight. However, I was curious to see whether police or firemen are more pysically fit than the general population due to their more physically demanding jobs. Right now I'd be willing to bet that the firemen are the most fit.

    By Blogger zip77077, at 8:21 AM  

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