Gumbo Grousing

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Great Ice Storm of 2007, part deux

Well some ice did arrive Wednesday morning and no roofs collapsed under the weight, power lines weren't brought down by fallen tree branches and no one got frostbite. However, people did manage to wreck there cars.

It seems Houston drivers have a proficiency for creating auto accidents whether dry, wet or frozen. They have the ability to abandon the rules taught in drivers education courses about 3 seconds after walking out the door. They speed, change lanes quickly and follow much too close to the car in front, add in some mildly slick conditions and you get numerous 10+ car pileups. It's so predictable that I have friends who start a betting pool for the number of crashes involving 5 or more cars every time the weather looks a little sketchy. It simply boggles the mind that this type of behavior behind the wheel never gets modified through experience. Perhaps cars are just too safe these days and give drivers a sense of invulnerability.

So until we get some real herd thinning-type weather, I salute your bravado speeding pickup truck driver.


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