Gumbo Grousing

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Texans have big hearts, except for Dallas

The Chronicle has an article today describing the Texas hurricane emergency evacuation plan. On the eve of hurricane season we finally are moving towards a unified plan on how to deal with all the possible displaced people if the worst comes. Each coastal city is paired with an inland city to handle evacuees. This sounds like a good and sensible plan except for the fact that Dallas is rolling around on the floor kicking its feet in a tantrum screaming, "You can't make us take those people."

I think everyone expects better from our city managers. Although if the worst happens and people are sent to Dallas against the city's will I'm sure there will be room and care available for them. That being said, I would have hoped that people from such a stalwart section of the Bible Belt acted like the Christians they claim to be.


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