Where has all the quality gone?
I'm in the process of looking for a new home to buy and am having difficulty finding anything I want to plunk my hard earned and borrowed dollars on. Ideally I'd like a 3 car garage to accommodate a wood shop and allow 2 cars to be parked inside. However, I've decided to broaden my horizons and look at any nice home in my price range on the west side of town. The problem is that all the new houses are built at about the same quality level. Even if I throw an extra $100K or $200K in the pot the homes only get bigger not better. I'd like a high-end 2100-2500 sq. ft home, but it appears that they don't exist in Houston. Where have the craftsmen gone? Where is the pride in one's work? Why do people settle for shoddy craftsmanship?
Everyone blames unskilled illegal labor for this problem, but that's not the case. There are just no skilled craftsmen or cabinetmakers working the home building trade in Houston that are affordable for the middle to upper middle class. (Hint: this is why I have my own wood working equipment.)
Everyone blames unskilled illegal labor for this problem, but that's not the case. There are just no skilled craftsmen or cabinetmakers working the home building trade in Houston that are affordable for the middle to upper middle class. (Hint: this is why I have my own wood working equipment.)
Most folks go for the size; cabinet space is something that's just "there" -- who cares if it's quality? It sucks, but this is what you get for having one builder do entire neighborhoods. He's going to concentrate on what sells fastest.
Your best bet is to find a builder (Drexler comes to mind) that does nothing but custom designs. Work with them, and if they can't supply what you want, have them leave the parts you don't like incomplete--then put that woodshop in and do it yourself to complete the house.
This has the dual advantages of getting you what you want and probably getting a price break since they don't have to do the woodwork.
Anonymous, at 6:38 PM
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