Gumbo Grousing

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What were they thinking?

So your party decides to run a write-in candidate for whatever reason. Ok, it's because the incumbent waited too long to quit hoping that the corruption investigation against him would blow over just like all the previous times. Well, you can only go to the well so many times Tommy Boy.

Anyway, back to the point. A successful write-in campaign needs a few things; money, support and a SHORT, EASY TO SPELL NAME. "John Doe" would be ideal. Shelly Sekula-Gibbs is nearly the antichrist of write-in names. It's too long. It's one of those stupid hyphenated names. It takes too long to put into the voting machine. Seniors wig out enough just getting in the same room as an electronic voting machine; now ask them to figure out how to add a super-sized name...

Maybe next time they can pick someone with a longer name like Minesh Thirugnanasampanthan. Don't laugh, that's a real name.

And so the mighty have fallen

I'm happy the mid-term elections are over. My home was receiving a large number of calls and mailings. Most of these came from databases that were not updated. You see I moved to a new precinct, district and county back in June, but the politicians didn't seem to mind calling and mailing me even though I couldn't vote for them. I tried several times to resolve the error to no avail. It became very tiresome.

So, I am pleased as punch that the person that bothered me the most was unable to win his seat. So long sucker, and don't try to mount a comeback because I'm sure all the bad karma you've accumulated will wipe out your next campaign too.