President Bush stated last week that the NSA phone call record database was to be used only for stopping terrorism. "We're not mining or trolling through the personal lives of millions of innocent Americans." Well that lasted all of 5 minutes.
ABC News is now reporting that a senior federal law enforcement official told one of their reporters they are monitoring ABC phone calls. Now that they’ve gone this far, who should they tap/monitor next? Personally, bloggers with negative opinions of the program should be next. They are bunch of rabble rousing troublemakers after all.
Let's look into a quick chronology on privacy matters and where the Republicans stand.
Pre 9/11: Justice Department, ATF, NSA, CIA, etc. = Jack booted thugs who invade our privacy and infringe on our constitutionally guaranteed rights.
Post 9/11: Justice Department, ATF, NSA, CIA, etc. = You're the good guys, do whatever you want, just don't tell us about it so we don't have to feel nauseous.